Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to Attract Talent Using Social Media Less Poking, More Stroking

How to Attract Talent Using Social Media Less Poking, More Stroking Many recruiters like a good poke! A quick “want a job?” nudge which statistically is unlikely to result in a responsive candidate is usual, acceptable activity for the many a recruiter.  They see it as a great way of attracting attention. Imagine if you did this face to face? You’re at a conference, you sidle up to someone and before you’ve even asked their name, you go in for the (job) kill You just wouldn’t do it (would you?) but I hear about it happening online all the time. The digital arena has given some recruiters a platform to attract attention by showing rabid tendencies InMails, invites and messages through LinkedIn Groups, messages (currently free outside of the US) via Facebook, eshots, etc all encouraging easy access to unaware would-be candidates. Many recruiters claim that they have absolutely nothing to say online (which is a bit of a shame and ergo their face to face meetings must be a real bore!). I can handle that objection with: at least you can mingle the dance floor and get a little tactile and do some stroking. Facebook Poke History This is what  Mark Zuckerberg said during a live Facebook webinar: When we created the poke, we thought it would be cool to have a feature without any specific  purpose. People interpret the poke in many different ways, and we encourage you to come up with your own meanings. Now the poke has become a war. Feels a little pointless? It’s because it is. It’s annoying. Youre attracting the wrong kind of attention. By definition, you’re just touching me without offering anything of value (don’t go there I’m on really thin ice throughout this blog and it could crack at any minute!)   Funnily enough though, you don’t need a button with the word Poke on me to poke me! InMails offering me my dream job without qualifying if I indeed care! Sending me a connection invite through LinkedIn without taking a minute to tell me why I should accept. Asking me to join your group when it is clearly about Jobs and Im not a job seeker Asking for a recommendation when I have never met you Constantly reviewing my profile on LinkedIn without taking an action (stalker!) A complete lack of foreplay!?? Stroking is better than poking it attracts the best type of attention I prefer to think of stroking rather than poking.   There’s more effort aimed at me, thus it’s more genuine and you’re likely to get a more positive response from the recipient. How to stroke your clients and candidates (real or potential)? Like their stuff Favourite tweets â€" people can see when they’ve had their tweets favourited! Like their fb pages and content (clean down your pukey profiles please privacy settings mean naff all!) Pin their Pinterest stuff +1 their google content Share (obvious). Like and take part in group discussions Take part in their LinkedIn polls (they’re back within the More menu I can sleep now!) Ditch the Digit Poking may be an effective strategy at 01:30am on a work’s do, but it really isn’t that effective online when the majority of “talent” is likely to feel harassed by unwelcome, wandering digits. Cats who get stroked invariably nuzzle back! Final thought, don’t forgot to stroke thought leaders too! (If you don’t know who the thought leaders are in your sector, shame on you; you’ve probably been too much poking to notice who the influencers are?)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Writing Resume and Cover Letter - How to Check Your Resume For the Writing

The Writing Resume and Cover Letter - How to Check Your Resume For the WritingIf you are serious about employment, checking the writing resume and cover letter that you send out in any job posting you consider applying for is a must. After all, employers are only going to check out the job posting of an applicant who was able to present a current and valid resume and cover letter. While the writing resume and cover letter that you sent in your application for a position should reflect your qualities, it doesn't hurt to also show how you can fit well into the company. Here are some tips on how to check your resume for the writing.Spend time searching the internet for academic paper samples, especially from schools. This is one of the best ways to make sure that you cover letter is relevant and it looks professional. There are many web sites that allow you to submit documents such as your academic paper samples or dissertations. When submitting your documents, make sure you read the gu idelines of each web site before submitting. Never submit your document to a site without reading their guidelines first.Next, spend time reading your key points. Find the areas where you would want to emphasize your strengths and the areas where you might want to emphasize your weaknesses. Keep the key points brief and to the point. Avoid grammatical errors.Next, proofread. Proofreading means making sure that all of your paper and documents are correct and grammatically correct. Make sure to make any changes in your resume to make it more professional looking.Your personal statement must stand out. Make sure that it is very short and to the point. Your personal statement may be the most important part of your resume because it serves as the strongest point of your application.Finally, get feedback from a professional. You might want to have someone write your cover letter for you. They can offer their insight and professional insight to help you avoid doing the same mistakes and in turn, become a better writer.At the end of the day, what's important is that you get the feedback that you need to improve your writing. Don't try to get away with bad writing; though many people do. If you want to make sure that you can spot the mistakes in your cover letter, don't hesitate to find the critique of a professional.Check the writing resume and cover letter that you send out in any job posting you consider applying for. By reading through the cover letter as a whole, you will learn how to check your resume for the writing.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Help to uncover the secret of career success University of Manchester Careers Blog

Help to uncover the secret of career success University of Manchester Careers Blog Were currently asking hundreds of University of Manchester undergraduates all levels, all disciplines to complete a questionnaire about the things theyve done at university which could help them get a job after graduating. If youve been asked to complete the questionnaire This is what its all about and why wed love to get your help. If youve already completed the questionnaire and are wondering what was that all about and whats in it for me? heres the answer. If you havent completed the questionnaire, and youre a UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER UNDERGRADUATE Read this, and click on our survey (survey now closed) to play your part in a major new project to help University of Manchester students get into the careers they want. Whats this project all about? Its trying to uncover what makes the difference between graduates who move quickly into the kind of jobs they really want, shortly after graduating, and graduates who struggle or take longer to get on to their career track We also want to know what you can do to try and make sure youre in the first group. What weve found so far We all know that different jobs need different skills, knowledge or work experience, but weve also found that how students approach their careers makes a big difference not just applying for jobs, but all the things which lead up to it, starting from day 1 of your degree. Weve found 5 common factors which seem to lead to speedy career success. Graduates who move smoothly and swiftly into the jobs they want: Explore keep their options and their eyes open; stretch themselves by trying things outside their comfort zone; take every opportunity to gain lots of varied experiences; Connect build their network and maintain contacts (peers and social contacts as well as experienced professionals); use information from their contacts to research jobs and career paths; Communicate adapt their communication to different audiences; learn from others how to engage audiences; introduce themselves effectively; practise; Reflect recognise their own skills and can illustrate with examples; differentiate themselves from the competition; Persevere learn from setbacks and constantly adapt; start their job search early, learn from any knock-backs and approach the next opportunity positively. Whats different about this approach? These 5 factors are all behaviours things you do, rather than who you are. Whats great about this is that anyone can learn how to do these things, or at least learn how to do them better, in their own way. You dont have to change your personality to be successful. They seem to cut across a wide range of careers we talked to graduates in good jobs which included science, the creative/arts sector, teaching (humanities), engineering and business. Its not simply a shopping list from employers its come from students like you, the things students have done and whats made them successful (although the employers weve spoken to have also been very positive about this approach) Of course, youll still need specific skills and probably experience to get into those plum graduate jobs, but this gives you clues about how to build up those skills: Start to explore possible careers in your first year and push yourself to try new activities throughout your degree. Reflect on where youre great and where you need to improve. Practise getting your message across to other people, including employers. Talk to friends, family, employers and other contacts (face-to-face or online), learn from them and keep in touch. Keep going when things dont go right if youve really pushed yourself to try new stuff, some of it wont work, but thats when you learn. By your final year, youll have picked up some great skills (backed up with evidence to convince employers), and quite probably found some useful work experience along the way, whatever career you end up going into. Why should you fill in a questionnaire? Were trying to develop a tool to help you understand where youre strong and where you could improve on these behaviours. We think the kind of scores you get will probably change from your first year to your final year. We also think the scores for those who have got a good graduate job lined up before they graduate will probably be different from those who are about to graduate without a clue what theyre going to do next. But we cant be sure and at the moment, we cant tell you: whats a good score, which puts you on course for a fabulous career in something you want to do, and what, frankly, is a bit of a dismal score, which could lead to you starting your glorious graduate life, still pulling pints in a student pub to pay the rent if you dont do something soon. However, if we can get around 1000 University of Manchester undergraduates to fill in the questionnaire (survey now closed): from all disciplines from all years whether youve got a job or placement lined up or whether youre struggling then well be able to tell you how you match up, and what you need to focus on to improve your chances of career success. In future, once weve got that data, the questionnaire will give you a report showing where youre strong and where you could improve, and how you compare with other students. Well also be able to direct you to practical actions you can take and resources you can use to improve. Want to know even more about this project? Have a look at this recent post on the postgrad blog, including details of how we came up with this approach and the consultants, Robertson Cooper (led by Prof Ivan Robertson), whove done the detailed work for us. Got any comments or suggestions? Current students and recent graduates have been at the heart of this project. None of this would have happened without the help and views of people like you. Wed love to hear your thoughts on the project, the findings so far, and your suggestions for what should happen next. Just add a comment to this post, or get in touch at All Undergraduate Undergraduate-highlighted employability

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Are You Working Under a Micromanager

Are You Working Under a Micromanager When someone has been termed a micromanager at one time or another in their working career, it probably is not something they wanted to rush ahead and place on their resume for all the world to see. Not only does the term bring unwanted attention to the individual, but it can also lead to an unproductive work environment where workers feel their every move and decision is being questioned. So just how do people end up becoming micromanagers? Is it something they learn in college or while on the job? How an individual ends up a micromanager can sometimes be traced back to how they were managed in the different jobs they held. Sometimes they will transfer those traits onto their own managerial positions, while other times they are able to recognize the signs and avoid such managing. If you think you may be working under a micromanager, here are some things to look for: The individual is not entirely comfortable with letting someone run with a project -They continuously step in on the project and offer their advice, two cents, etc. creating a less than ideal working environment. At the end of the day, such actions can definitely lead to a lack of employee morale; The manager takes back and/or reworks a project   Instead of letting those under them work on and fix issues, the micromanager must “clean-up” the matter. This shows that the micromanager does not trust those under them to deal with problems; The need for continuous updates While most companies hold a meeting or meetings each week, the micromanager seeks updates on projects over and over again. This is another sign that they need to be in the loop and in control all the time, therefore potentially limiting the productivity level of those under them. This holds especially true if the micromanager is supposed to be off from work, yet they call or email in to see what is going on; The desire for permission â€" While the manager should be in control and have the final say, always seeking permission from one’s workers in order for them to proceed with tasks can inhibit productivity. This is yet another sign that the micromanager wants each and every decision from start to finish on a project going through them; The need to withhold all pertinent information â€" Yes, some information is not for all ears, but micromanagers tend to want to manage all information and decide what details are for worker ears and what are not. By doing so, the micromanager feels a sense of power, yet is actually undermining the efforts of their department; Lastly, you are left to feel like whatever amount of effort you apply to your job, it is never quite good enough. The micromanager wants things done their way 100 percent of the time, nothing less will suffice. In those cases, the micromanager will take on the assignment and craft it to how they want it done, in the process lowering the morale of the workers under them. These are but a few of the telltale signs of a micromanager. Many micromanagers do not set out to be just that, while others have in mind the goal from day one. If you find yourself working under a micromanager, talk with them or another higher up about the issue and what possible resolution the two of you can come to. At the end of the day, just be thankful you can leave the micromanager behind at the office each day when you leave. You can, can’t you? Have you or are you presently working under a micromanager? If so, how are you dealing with it?

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How to Find Reliable Resume Writing Services

How to Find Reliable Resume Writing ServicesSan Antonio resume writing services have a wide range of resume writing packages and professional resume writing services available to meet the needs of both new and experienced professionals. Before choosing a company to work with, it is important to do research to make sure that the company has the right mix of experience and skills to produce a solid resume. Experience should outweigh the skills, but when both are listed in the same resume, this could be misleading.A basic resume is the standard format for a person to use when looking for employment. One point to keep in mind is that the company does not care about what you have written on your resume. In fact, the majority of people don't even know what the resume looks like and don't care to spend the time reading them. If you are submitting your resume online, the site might not allow the resume to be modified at all or require that you hire a professional to do the modification.In or der to ensure that your resume is submitted properly, it is advisable to use professional resume writing services. A San Antonio resume writing service can help you create a quality document that will stand out from the crowd. Resume writing services are known for their accuracy and help you write a professional document that the hiring manager will love. When you hire a professional, you know that your resume will be professionally formatted and it will represent you in the best possible light.One of the most common resume mistakes are filling out your educational background inaccurately. While you may have done all of the necessary research to determine your field of study, leaving it off your resume could come back to haunt you. Some employers may prefer to hire someone who has more relevant experience in the field and will be able to add value to the organization.The best way to find a professional resume writing service is by asking friends and family members in the area for re commendations. Another option is to contact a local staffing firm that specializes in resume writing. Hiring a company that specializes in resume writing services will give you more insight into what you can expect from the professional services.A professional resume writer will keep your goals in mind during the writing process. A resume should reflect your qualifications and the tasks that you have completed, but it also needs to show the hiring manager why you are a good fit for the job. After you have completed your first draft, it is a good idea to work on revisions until the final draft is a finished product.Resume writing services offer many helpful services, such as personal feedback, templates, cover letters, and more. Many of these services offer round the clock consultations that can provide you with help and support after you have submitted your resume. The more knowledge you can get before submitting your resume, the better.There are many benefits to hiring a resume wri ting service. They can help you to not only produce a high quality resume, but they can also help to match you with the most appropriate job opportunity. When you use a resume writing service, you will receive valuable information and time saving solutions that can be put to use to save you time and money.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How to Get Over Impostor Syndrome and Advance Your Career - Sterling Career Concepts

How to Get Over Impostor Syndrome and Advance Your Career How to Get Over Impostor Syndrome and Advance Your Career Image via Rawpixel If you think you somehow tricked your way into your career and you’re not really qualified, I have a secret to tell you: Many of your colleagues feel the exact same way. An estimated 70 percent of people deal with impostor syndrome, the sneaking suspicion that everyone overestimated you and you don’t actually deserve your success. Impostor syndrome isn’t unique to women, but women do respond in a unique way to feeling like a fraud. Instead of giving up, women work twice as hard to prove themselves. However, that doesn’t necessarily lead to career advancement. If you’re working your tail off just to tread water, you end up burning out, not moving up. It’s time to get off the hamster wheel. Instead of letting self-doubt stagnate your career, put that energy toward these bold career moves and start achieving the things you really want. Build a Strong Personal Brand There’s something to be said about faking it until you make it. Nowhere is that more evident than in the rise of personal branding. Personal branding is about creating an image of your best possible self and putting it out into the world. Authenticity is important in personal branding, but so is confidence. That doesn’t mean you can’t second-guess yourself off-screen, but the image you present on your website, social media, and guest blogs should showcase your strengths. Personal branding is a smart career move, too. You know potential employers are going to Google you, and what would you rather they see: A collection of social media profiles and outdated news blurbs, or a curated image of a driven professional woman? Make the Case for a Promotion If you ask for a promotion and you’re not convinced you deserve it, it’ll show and you won’t get the answer you want. Build your case for why you’ve earned a promotion, and you’ll head into the meeting with more confidence and a better shot at a “yes.” Start by documenting your accomplishments so far at your job. With luck, you’ve been jotting them down since the beginning. If you’ve received positive feedback from bosses, colleagues, and clients, record that, too. Don’t stop there. Ask for more responsibilities and volunteer for projects when they’re available. Stepping up to challenges shows your bosses that you can handle an increase in responsibility â€" and it’s also a great way to convince yourself. Start Your Own Business Unfortunately, we don’t all work in jobs with upward mobility and reasonable bosses. If you’ve exhausted opportunities in your current career or company culture is holding back, strike out on your own. Entrepreneurship is popular among women in particular because by working for themselves, women can achieve the pay, passion, and advancement that their old jobs lacked. Starting a business isn’t something you can dive straight into. Before entertaining the idea of quitting your job, you need to research the market, calculate starting costs, find financing, and figure out where and how you’ll do business. Only once you’ve compiled this all into a business plan can you start the transition to small business ownership. Many people looking to start a business these days begin their journey in e-commerce, dropshipping in particular. Dropshipping allows you to see various merchandise through your own website without having to keep an inventory; instead, your supplier will ship the goods to customers. There are many different products you can sell using the dropship model, including office supplies, bedding, backpacks, sneakers/shoes, and kids clothing. Learn to Love Failure Finally, learn to be okay with failing. When you take career risks, it’s inevitable that some won’t work out. You could land the promotion but not the raise, or your first business could fold after a few short months. Instead of letting a fear of failure stop you, ask yourself, “So what?” It’s better to chase your goals and fail than let fear and self-doubt hold you back â€" and as long as you keep moving forward, there’s always another shot.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Civil Service Departments Which One Is Right For You

Civil Service Departments Which One Is Right For You The UK Civil Service is made up of an enormous variety of different departments and specialist agencies, all created with the aim of reflecting what the government does. This means that if you are seeking employment with the UK Civil Service, you have many different choices and options to consider. For some people, this can be confusing â€" there’s almost too much choice!In this two-part blog, we’ll run through some of the civil service departments, and what exactly they do, with the aim of helping you to establish which is the right department for your career.#section_492327105{padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px}The Cabinet Office #row-443199567.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}The Cabinet Office plays a crucial role in government affairs â€" offering support to the Prime Minister, assisting with policy development, and contributing to the modernisation of public services. If you are someone who is interested in helping to implement key government policies, and ens uring that the UK’s public services run to maximum efficiency, then this could be the perfect department for you.#section_325848159{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px}Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) #row-1366615643.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}The CMA is one of the world’s most influential and largest competition monitory agencies. They ensure that all markets are being run in a fair and legal fashion, and that the general public and consumers are protected from unfair pricing strategies â€" such as high-profile companies merging, or online gambling laws. If you’re interested in making a difference to the public, ensuring that UK consumers are given a fair deal, and are protected from exploitation, then consider applying to the CMA.#section_608995910{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px}Crown Prosecution Service #row-343445642.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}The Crown Prosecution Service are the principal prosecution authority in England and Wales. They work in tandem with other criminal justice agencies and departments to ensure that offenders are brought to justice, and that the UK is a safer place to live. This involves working on cases such as public order offences, firearms charges, fraud, and more. The Crown Prosecution Service is the ideal place to work for a person who believes strongly in justice, fairness, and protecting the wellbeing of the citizens of the UK.#section_1249686223{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px} #image_1362393960{width:100%}#section_606367621{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px}Defence Science and Technology Laboratory #row-276603083.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory is responsible for the science and research behind the defence of the UK. They work with Ministry of Defence on vital technology aspects, such as weapons, IT communications systems, intelligence, and more. The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory was first f ounded in 2001, and since then has continued to grow and flourish into one of the most important agencies in the UK. If you are interested in contributing to the defence of the United Kingdom, and the science behind this defence, then this could be a perfect role for you.#section_493343142{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px}Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy#row-1729220471.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy are responsible for ensuring that the UK adheres to a sensible and logical industrial strategy, and that UK is at the forefront of clean energy. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy plays a leading role in the science and research behind using clean energy to sustain the nation, and are constantly finding new ways to innovate and develop. #image_1769320514{width:100%}#section_1467021446{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px}Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport#row-951081469.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport are responsible for ensuring that the UK is at the forefront of digital innovation, and that the UK is one of the best places in the world in which to start a digital business. The department has an enormous influence, with their reach spreading to bodies such as the UK Arts Council, sporting authorities, and more.#section_447860431{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px}Department for Education#row-363153919.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}The Department for Education is the chief educatory agency in the United Kingdom, and are responsible for developing educational policies and services throughout the UK. The aim of the department is to ensure that the UK is the home of world-leading education, and to shape the very future of education within the country. If you are someone who is passionate about education, teaching, and training, this is the perfect de partment for you.#section_1939812755{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px}Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) #row-1459987415.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}DEFRA plays an essential role in the UK’s rural and environment affairs. Their responsibilities include: creating a healthier and more sustainable approach to the environment, and implementing strategies to ensure this is adhered to, increasing the efficiency and robustness of the UK farming industry, protecting wildlife and endangered species, and protecting UK citizens from natural hazards such as flooding or animal-related diseases.#section_1877633529{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px}Department of Health and Social Care #row-316556836.col.col-inner{background-color:rgb(0,21,255)}The Department of Health and Social Care plays a significant role in monitoring and preserving the wellbeing of many citizens within the UK. From issues such as dementia to hospital-funding, and outpatient ca re, the aim of the department is ultimately to ensure that every person in the UK receives the support and care that they deserve. The department are heavily involved with social care, and play a big role in NHS operations and initiatives.Civil Service Departments: Part 2!  In our next blog, we’ll cover the rest of the Civil Service Departments in great detail. So, stay tuned for part 2! In the meantime, check out our fantastic online course on how to answer Civil Service interview questions!#section_911906359{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px} #image_774653560{width:100%}Sample Civil Service Interview Questions Answers;Top Tips to Pass Your Interview;Suitable For ANY Civil Service Role;PLUS LOTS MORE! GET INSTANT ACCESS #section_141973260{padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px;background-color:#F49600} This entry was posted in Civil Service, Resources. Bookmark the permalink. Jordan Cooke Civil Service Success Profiles: Maximise Your Recruitment PotentialCivil Service Caree rs â€" Part 2: Find Your Dream Department One thought on “Civil Service Departments: Which One Is Right For You?” heleen says:Are commonwealth citizens elegible to apply for these jobs mentioned above? I m studying in the UK and Tier4 visa expires July 2020. Want ti apply for UK army, want to buy course, but can you tell me when is right time to apply and how. Online kicks out when I put in UK address. Any info would be greatly appreciated. October 21, 2019 at 6:11 am Reply